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Investigating records to verify claims.

References: [1] 

Lest I Forget

A quickly realized passion of mankind was to remember. Information was recounted orally, preserved in written form, and passed on to the next generation. This information was, has been, and still is extremely useful today, even as we continue to improve our documentation of our world through time.

So, what did our ancestors leave to us?


We're about to find out.

While we cannot ever have every observation, the accounts of others provide extra insight, allowing us to dampen the effects of the problem of induction. Of course, not every account is truthful, and so it is that the sword with which we attempt to eliminate uncertainty is itself influenced by doubt. However, as with all other empirical undertakings, the absence of certainty does not necessitate the absence of knowledge. If we can accumulate a significant amount of evidence that prioritizes one claim over another, then we can come to a conclusion.

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