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Promoting dialogue to further understanding.

References: [1] 

You and I Both

I wanna know what you're thinking of my work. You wanna tell me what you think. Others want to hear what you, and I, have to say. We all have ideas to contribute, opinions to express, and an eagerness to understand. Here's where it all can happen.


A couple rules though, before we get to throwing our words to the wind.

Integrated Comments Version 1.0

Rule #1: Head your comment with the location of what you're commenting on. For example, [Beyond a Reasonable Doubt > Logic and Reason > Argument from Beauty]. That way, we all know what you are talking about. Why do it this way? So that it's all in one place, instead of being plastered over, in, and around the informational pages themselves.

Rule #2: Keep your cool. Becoming upset is honestly a waste. It does no good, and often causes problems. Contribute an idea, make a point, or even critique another comment, but remain patient, tolerant, considerate of others, and, ultimately, in control of yourself.


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